Monday, January 22, 2007


I got tagged by Andrew so here it goes...

Three Things...

-That Scare Me- Snakes,The Future,and Slasher Movies...

-People That Make Me Laugh- Andrew,Kyle Talbott,and Mike Phillips...

-I Love- My Friends,My Drums,and Summer...

-I Hate- Dumb Girls,Rain in the winter,and English...

-I Don't Understand- People who aren't babies acting like babies,Spanish,and God...

-On My Desk- A lot of computer crap,A tape measurer,and A 3 hole punch...

-I Am Doing Right Now- Filling in this thing,Getting tired(it's 1:15 A.M.),and Holding in a huge Pee(My bladder is going to explode here soon.)...

-I Want To Do Before I Die- Go on tour,Get married,and Make enough money to live off of...

-I Do Well- Play Drums,Read,and Listen...

-Always Listen To- God,Your Boss,and Your bladder telling you it's time to pee...

-Never Listen To- The weatherman,Country music,and Satan...

-I'd Like To Learn How To Do- Film Development(Dark room stuff),Play guitar,and Rock climb...

-Favorite Foods- My mom's stuffed shells,Pasta,and Anything spicy...

-Beverages I Drink- Coffee,Water,and Juice...

-TV Shows I Watched As A Kid- Rugrats,GUTS,and Coach...


Andrew said...

hahahahahahahah COACH hahahahahahahahahaha

Brad B... said...

ya man coach... what a great ass show...

Zack said...

Hey brad, I can help you with the darkroom bit (I have one).