Friday, October 13, 2006

A Trip To Minneapolis

About a year ago a friend of mine who has been my best friend since about 5th grade decided he was going to go to a recording school in Minneapolis... so he, his girlfriend,myself, and a friend of mine decided we were going to move westwardly in July of 07'... we also decided to take a trip out to check out his school and a couple of other schools... we took the L Dog's younger sister with us... we left at about 12 at night and hit the road for Minneapolis... it was a long drive accompanied with humor and interesting sights, like 8 bikers on route 80 at 3 in the morning and i almost hit a couple of family pets who ran out in front of me at a rest stop... i drove the first leg of the trip which was from northeast ohio to just outside of chicago... it is a long drive but it went by quickly... i actually didnt sleep but only about 30 minutes during the whole drive... we finally got to Minneapolis at about 3pm where we were greeted by an hour and a half traffic jam... we found the hotel, all took showers and i slept for about another half an hour... later that evening L dog's uncle met us at the hotel... we decided to go to a Twins' game... awesome... also andrew found out how hard it is to park a mini van in stadium, after the game at which we had terrible but fun seats we went back to the hotel and crashed for a few hours... we got up early and hit the world famous, Mall of America... awesome, i call this place "Hot Chick World", because as you could figure there are thousands of beutiful girls here... we rode the metro that afternoon and went to the wearhouse district which at night is a hoppin' party if you know what i mean... it was awesome. we stayed at a different hotel that night, which was a suite and it rocked... let me go back a bit... before we left, Lindsay and Leah wrote honk for man tatas on all sides of the van with cheap wal-mart glass chalk... that night we tried to get it off and realised the mistake... it wouldnt come off until we scrubbed it with glass cleaner and about 2 roles of paper towels... crappy idea... the next day we hung out in the city for a while and then we left for home... i drove the second shift this time on very little sleep at all the whole weekend... i dorve through chicago which isnt even tempting to fall asleep... but ill tell you that once we hit Indiana, i was all over the road and decided about half way through that i couldnt drive anymore... we finally got home about 9am and i slept all day... it was an awesome trip... i now know why they call Minneapolis, "Minneapolis Nice"... the people are really nice... i am pumped about moving there except for the raging snow storms... its gonna be wild and i hate winter so we'll see how that goes over... so that is the story of me and 4 friends going westwardly and having an awesome time.


Laura said...

I love hearing about that trip! You so crazy fool, I miss you!

Anonymous said...

wish i could have gone

Sam said...

Come on, write some new stuff for your faithful fans [all three of us] to read!!!!!!!!!!!